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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2015

Mahatma gandhi mandapam

                           MAHATMA GANHIJI MEMORIAL                                      Mahatma Gandhiji Memorial is also called Gandhiji mandapam.It is one of the visiting place in kanyakumari for the tourist and  very beautiful and add to the attraction of KK district. The beautiful Gandhi Memorial completed in 1956, is situated as a memorial to the Father of the Nation. Speciality in GANDHIJI MANDAPAM :                        Its focal shape is 79 feet high speaking to the age of the Mahatma at the season of the sun at Mid-day on second October would fall on the peedam through an opening in the rooftop. That is extremely extraordinary in Mahatma Gandhiji Mandapam. Having part of works of art about Mahatma Gandhi history for review by visitor. The dedication was exchanged to the managerial control of the Public (Information and Public Relations) Department from Public Works in the year 1978. Mahatma Gandhi went by Kanyakumari twice in 1925 and 1937. Mahatma Gandhi went to Kanyakuma

change the button text using JavaScript

     In the following example will help you to dynamically change the button text using javascript. Same Example in jQuery Click Here Example  var b1=document.getElementById('btn1');  b1.value="First Button"; Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

How to change the button text using jquery

     val() is used to change the button text value, in the following example we are used two buttons and change its text dynamically when pressing on the button. Same Example in JavaScript Click Here  $("#btnid").val("Second Button"); Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

Convert to lower case letter using javascript/jquery

     JavaScript have toLowerCase() method for converting the text to Lowercase letters.  ("String").toLowerCase(); Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

materialize css default Check box

     When we use the check box the materialize css will convert the design automatically. Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

How to animate bloggers browser title bar?

     One of the website attracting way is animating title bar, it will reduce the website idl state time. It is very easy to place it. Example image       This screen was taken from chrome browser. Can you see the title bar of the window is rotating, this also rotating in the windows status bar. Animate title bar in blogger <script type='text/javascript'> msg = document.title; msg = msg+"."; position = 0; function scrolltitle() { document.title = msg.substring(position, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, position); position++; if (position> msg.length) position = 0 window.setTimeout("scrolltitle()",110); } scrolltitle(); </script> Add animation press here      If the above button is not work or want to modified the title name follow the steps, otherwise leave all the below steps. Step 1      Login to your blogger by entering your username and password. Step 2       Select your blogger, by clicking Go to post list  button. Step 3       Go

How to create tab design?

     jQuery have default design for tabs. We need to import the jquery plugin and jQuery UI plugin then only the tabs() method works properly with good design.      A single content area with multiple panels, each associated with a header in a list. Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

with-gap class in materialize css

     Radio Button with-gap class, this class is used to create the radio button filled with gap in selected radio buttons.     <input class="with-gap" name="grp1" type="radio" id="r1">     <label for="r1">with-gap Class 1</label>     <input class="with-gap" name="grp1" type="radio" id="r2">     <label for="r2">with-gap Class 2</label> Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

Materialize css radio button

     Materialize css have default class for radio button design, and no need to apply any special class. The materialize css will take the style when you define radio button.     <input name="grp1" type="radio" id="r1">     <label for="r1">Radio 1</label>     <input name="grp1" type="radio" id="r2">     <label for="r2">Radio 2</label> Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

Materialize css Dropdown list

      In materialize css we can easy to create the drop down list, when we use dropdown list in materialize css we should need to initiate the dropdown list in document ready.   <div class="input-field">     <select>       <option value="">Choose your option</option>       <option value="1">India</option>       <option value="2">USA</option>       <option value="3">Gujarath</option>     </select>     <label>Choose your place</label>   </div> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('select').material_select(); });   </script> Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

Textarea with icon materialize css

     The following example can create the textarea with icon using materialize css. Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

materialize css Textarea

      materialize-textarea   and  input-field  class is used to create a textarea in materialize css.      <textarea id="txta1" class="materialize-textarea"></textarea> Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

How to create a text box with icon in materialize css?

     If we want to add special icon in materialize css we need to import the following plugin.  <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

slice in jQuery simpla example

     Given a jQuery object that represents a set of DOM elements, the .slice() method constructs a new jQuery object containing a subset of the elements specified by the start and, optionally, end argument. The supplied start index identifies the position of one of the elements in the set; if end is omitted, all elements after this one will be included in the result. Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement